Unlock Your Ideal Lifestyle

with SatisCation

Personalize Your Life Satisfaction Index to Find the Perfect Place to Call Home


Life Satisfaction Index

The Life Satisfaction Index (LSI) is a unique, interactive tool designed to measure and compare how different locations might impact life satisfaction. The LSI is built from a comprehensive model that incorporates 13 key external factors, including:

  • Access to grocery stores
  • Safety
  • Quality of schools
  • Proximity to quality medical facilities
  • Economic and work opportunities
  • Transportation availability

Personalized and Interactive

Recognizing that everyone values different aspects of life differently, the LSI model is both personalized and interactive. Users can select the factors that matter most to them and rank them according to their priorities. This customization ensures that the LSI score reflects what is truly important to each individual, providing a tailored evaluation of each location.


Data Driven

By leveraging publicly-available data from over 45 databases, the system normalizes and combines data to generate an LSI score for any address. This score helps individuals understand how well a location aligns with their personal preferences and needs.

Compare and Contrast

Compare two addresses to see how each location stacks up according to their preferences.


While the LSI provides valuable insights into the external factors affecting life satisfaction, it represents only part of the picture. Internal factors such as mental health and personal relationships also play a significant role in overall well-being. The aim of SatisCation is to complement these internal aspects by helping individuals find a location that supports and enhances their life satisfaction.

SatisCation offers a pathway to discovering where one can truly thrive. Start the journey today and find out which location aligns best with personal life satisfaction goals.