Below are 14 aspects of any location that will influence your perceived life satisfaction at that location. Please identify which five aspects are most important to you and rank them. You can pick and rank your preferences by clicking on the 1 under your most important aspect and a 2 under the next most important aspect and so on up to a 5 for the fifth most important aspect. If you change your mind, unclick the number and choose another one or reset all the selected preferences at the bottom.

Food Availability
(e.g., grocery stores availability)
Transportation Accessibility
(e.g., average commute time and proximity to rail and air transportation)
(e.g., crime statistics and law enforcement and fire protection)
Medical Availability
(e.g., doctors and hospital availability)
Education Quality
(e.g., proximity to good quality schools)
(e.g., safe from natural disasters and good quality air and water)
Religion/Faith Practice Availability
(e.g., availability of religious organizations)
Culture and Lifestyle
(e.g., availability of parks, libraries, restaurants)
Economic and Work Opportunities
(e.g., taxing authorities spending pressure, unemployment rates, disposable income)
Housing Availability
(i.e., available housing for rent or purchase)
Housing Affordability
(i.e., affordable housing for rent or purchase)
Political Preferences
(e.g., locally dominant political party)
(e.g., average temperatures that suit your lifestyle)
Community Type
(e.g., preference for rural or urban areas)